Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Teen pregnancy = irresponsibility.

Sorry to start off so abruptly! But it is true. If you are a teen in high school and become pregnant, I highly doubt it was planned. And because of the unlikelihood of a broken/slipped condom or failed birth control, it must be because you did not use protection. Want proof?

At Guttenmacher Institute, a study was set up to find the likelihood of a broken/slipped condom. The women would record in their diaries when they engaged in sexual intercourse. There were 34,036 instances of sex, and of those times, only 2% of the condoms broke and 1% slipped off!

And as far as failed birth control goes, the American Pregnancy Association found that only 14% of condoms break.

So, as said before, chances are you were probably behaving irresponsibly by not using protection. If you do not want  to become pregnant, either use protection or don't have sex at all!

The previously mentioned Sabrina Weill, author of The Real Truth About Teens & Sex, provides some more statistics; this time, about whose responsibility it is to be sure a couple uses birth control!

85% Both partners take equal responsibility.

5% The girl's.

2% The guy's.

2 % I don't believe in birth control.

From these statistics, the number one thing I can recommend is COMMUNICATION. By communicating with your partner about protection and how far you want to go, you are being 1,000% more responsible!!

So the lesson today: be responsible.

- Chelsea



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